Take up the ultimate decorating challenge and incorporate used items into your scheme! There is so much good stuff already lying around to be found. We can slow down the manufacture of things by selecting from the used market. Much of it is better quality than Big Box.com and it is more fun to have interesting pieces than matching ones!
My current abode, Apartment Number One, needs finishing touches. I decided that I wanted a small table for tea service. I found the perfect table on Craigslist. The seller turned out to be a lovely woman who also finds used and vintage pieces for her home.

This mahogany and maple tea, or occasional, table has a “pie crust” edge. Antique pie crust tables were typically on a pedestal, so this one is a sort of 20th century hybrid. Furniture experts, please chime in. In any case, it’s solid wood and perfect for the small scale of the 800 square foot, 1923 apartment.